The school has best and the most modern Computer Lab with latest up-to-date computer with Multi Media Kit, Internet.
For developing library reading habits in the pupils the school has provisions to make suitable reading material in English, Hindi accessible through class room library and reading-cum-general library. Library periods are incorporated in the regular time-table to provide reading opportunities to children.
Science and Maths Lab for Practical learning for students in the school. Games The school facilities for games for all the students of the school. Games and physical training are in the indispensable part of the school. Lush green playfield, Volleyball, Badminton court, Lawn tennis and track and field.
The teachers are trained and experienced and are really interested in teaching and understand the children with utmost care and affection. The team is dynamic & motivated to deliver the best to the children and to lead by example.
Ist summative Test: September IInd Summative Test: March In addition to above examinations during the session there will be Formative tests assessment is regular feature.
School owned School Buses are provided for the children of distant places. SCHOOL TIMINGS Pre-Nursery, Nursery to K.G : 9 a.m to 12.30 p.m Class Ist onwards : 9 a.m to 3.00 p.m
Security System
Security System: The school has an elaborate fire-fighting system. Evacuation plans and fire-drills have been put in case of an unfortunate emergency.
Facilities of the first aid and medical care are available to students. Parents are immediately informed after the aid to take care of their child.
Co-Curricular Activities
The school provides the facilities for children who are interested in singing, dancing and drama, various